Master of Public Policy Curriculum

The Master of Public Policy (MPP) program requires the completion of 12 to 13 courses (36-39 credits total). When planning your course of study, be sure to follow the set of requirements for your term of admission, as program requirements may change over time. The following reflects the curriculum for the current incoming class:

Core Coursework (8 courses | 24 credits)

Students take one required course and one elective in each of the four elements below.


Required: PUBP 500 – Theory and Practice in Public Policy
Gateway course: Required in the first semester

Choose ONE of the following courses:

  • PUBP 570: Policy Writing Fundamentals
  • PUBP 730: US Institutions and the Policy Process
  • PUAD 649: Advocacy and Lobbying
  • POGO 750: Project Management
  • POGO 750: Public Sector Leadership
  • POGO 750: Policy Communication


Required: POGO 511 – Introductory Data Analysis for Policy and Government
Prerequisite: Passing grade on statistical screening exam; For more information, please visit

Choose ONE of the following courses:

  • GOVT 500: The Scientific Method and Research Design
  • POGO 611: Adv. Data Analysis for Policy and Government
  • POGO 646: Policy and Program Evaluation
  • POGO 793: Big Data Analytics for Policy and Government
  • PUBP 754: GIS for Public Policy
  • PUBP 791: Adv. Field Research for Policy – Theory/Method


REQUIRED: PUAD 662 – National Budgeting
Replaced PUBP 741: U.S. Financial Policy Processes and Procedures

Choose ONE of the following courses:

  • PUBP 503: Culture, Organization, and Technology
  • PUBP 761: Social Entrepreneurship and Public Policy
  • GCP 605: Technology, Culture and Commerce
  • POGO 750: Social Media Privacy and Innovation
  • POGO 750: Biological and Environmental Data Science for Policy


Required: PUBP 720 – Managerial Economics and Policy Analysis
Prerequisite: PUBP 555-Economics Math Workshop

Choose ONE of the following courses:

  • GCP 503: Macroecon Policy/Global Econ
  • POGO750: Advanced Macroeconomic and Econometric Methods for Policy Analysis
  • POGO 750: Global Tax Policy
  • POGO 750: Economics of Education
  • PUBP 732: Labor Markets and Policies
  • PUBP 792: Advanced Economic Analysis for Policy Research

Areas of Emphasis or Elective Courses (4 courses or 12 credits)

Students may choose one of emphasis areas listed below. With prior written approval from the academic advisor, students have the option to design their own emphasis area.

  • Economic Policy
  • Education Policy
  • Gender and Policy
  • Global Medical and Health Policy
  • International Governance and Institutions
  • National Security and Public Policy
  • Public Finance and Budgeting
  • Regional Economic Development
  • Science and Technology Policy
  • Social Policy
  • Terrorism, Transnational Crime and Corruption
  • Transportation Policy
  • Urban Policy and Development
  • U.S. Government Institutions and Policy Management

Learn more about the MPP emphasis areas.

Professional Internship (1 course | 3 credits)

  • Students with less than two years of public policy oriented work experience are required to complete a professional internship. A waiver of this requirement must be explicitly requested here.
  • International students should not wait until their last term to complete an internship for academic credit. Obtaining an internship is not guaranteed. As an internship is required for the MPP program, the inability to complete this requirement before graduation could jeopardize degree completion and visa status.

Flexible Schedule

You will have the flexibility to earn your degree on a part-time or full-time basis, allowing you to build out your course schedule to complement your personal and professional commitments. Students may take up to 9 credits per semester and have up to six years to complete the degree.